ZORG is an open source implementation of the ZRTP protocol implementation. ZRTP provides end-to-end key exchange with Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellmann 384bit and AES-256 SRTP encryption. This particular archive is Zorg C++, which has been integrated with PJSIP open source VoIP SDK and it's provided as an integration patch against PJSIP 1.8.5. It has been tested on iPhone, Symbian, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
ZORG is an open source implementation of the ZRTP protocol implementation. ZRTP provides end-to-end key exchange with Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellmann 384bit and AES-256 SRTP encryption. This particular archive is the Zorg Java release.
ZORG is an open source implementation of the ZRTP protocol implementation. ZRTP provides end-to-end key exchange with Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellmann 384bit and AES-256 SRTP encryption. This particular archive is the Zorg Java Blackberry release.