Assessing Server Security - State of the Art. The talk takes into consideration the progress that has been made in web server security over the last few years, and the progress that has been made in attacking web servers over the same time. The paper visits the new vulnerabilities introduced by web applications and discuss the thinking applied to discover such vulnerabilities. It finally describes the state of the art of web server scanning technology.
100459d29fc8945bc761d6a2ccc7ce82103b8f31e835d98cf9a6ae54e18497c5 remotely checks IIS Servers for most of the methods used by WebDAV. If the server does not complain about the method its an indication that WebDAV is in use. See ms03-007.
MielieTool v.1.0 is an easy to use Perl based web application "fuzzer". It supports fuzzing of CGIs in forms and links and supports multiple sites. Requires HTTrack, Lynx, grep, find, and rm.
Sp_Quickkill scans internal networks for unpatched windows machines, IIS and SQL.
78941018e6b74e5b871aa2d827e2f6b63074c8d472f41191cea1da645ff22ae5 is a SQL insertion crawler which tests all forms on a web site for possible SQL insertion problems. This script takes the output of a web mirroring tools as input, inspecting every file and determine if there is a form in the file.
A guide for breaking into computer networks from the Internet v3.1 - Includes host enumeration, scanners, custom tools, protocols, windows information, and much more. PDF format.
Checkpoint Firewall-1's SecureRemote allows any IP to connect and download sensitive network information. This perl script gives a potential attacker a wealth of information including ip addresses, network masks (and even friendly descriptions).
Sensedecode.tgz includes 2 perl scripts which exploit the IIS url decoding bug. checks for hosts that have the "decode" problem, and decodexecute executes code using the decoding problem, with redirection.
d32db266c769e68dd5e55144cdff5aac3d5f570243d3c50560169d168c96b542 allows you to scan ports through a misconfigured squid proxy.
Desperate is a collection of tools used to extract of usernames via EXPN and finger, and obtaining IP addresses via "brute force" DNS lookups. Contains lists of commonly used usernames and DNS names. Coded in PERL.
Unitools.tgz contains two perl scripts - uploads files to a vulnerable IIS site, and includes searches for more executable directories and is more robust and stable.
Pudding is a proxy which recodes HTTP requests using most of RFP's IDS evasion encoding methods, plus random UTF-8 encoding support. Allows any web aware program/exploit/cgi-scanner to evade IDS without modification of the original code. Encoding methods include all uppercase, hex encoding, /./ directory insertion, fake parameters, premature URL endings, windows delimiters, and random UTF8 encoding.
Unicodexecute2 is a simple perl script to execute commands on vulnerable IIS servers w/ Unicode, as described in this article.
5b2cf0d0ae0a8d6764aa36ceead14fd067a55867c82158f7611f7b7fe312bc2c is a denial of service attack against active firewalls. Works by basically creating a lot of decoys with nmap. Router/firewall will try to block all the (decoyed) IP numbers, eventually running out of access list/packetfilters, and possibly crashing, or overwriting access lists.
Win2k IIS remote exploit - Retrieves files using the Translate: f bug.
Default Passwords for many network switches and devices. Includes many 3com products, ACC, AcceleratedDSL, ADC, Alteon, Arrowpoint, AT