rhupdmgr is a script which sends an email to the sysadmins when a machine has fallen out of sync with the RedHat Updates. It works by checking a generated list of RPMs to be updated.
Samhain is a tool for verifying the integrity of files. It uses the TIGER message digest algorithm to generate a database for files and directories listed in the configuration file. After initializing the database, samhain can run as a background process, performing checks at user-defined intervals. Results can be written to a log file and/or forwarded to another host by e-mail. Log file entries are signed to prevent tampering. The current version is tested on Linux only.
Xipdump is a protocol analyzer and tester. It's a kind of graphical tcpdump(8) which adds the possibility of changing packet values and resending them. The graphical representation of a packet is intended to offer a complete, customizable view at a glance.
Hping is a software to do TCP/IP stack auditing, to uncover firewall policy, to scan TCP port in a lot of different modes, to transfer files accross a firewall, test network performance, test of TOS is handled, etc.
Underground Periodical issue 6. Includes A Phreaks Guide to net2phone, Virtual Espionage, More 'features' in Win 9x, Compuserve Password Finder, IP Spanking, Pirch Passwords, The ICQ So Called Protocol, ICQ
Darats Remote Admin Tool. Windows backdoor which runs on TCP port 48. Archive password is set to p4ssw0rd. Use at your own risk.
Cgitest.exe CGI is distributed with W4-Server2.6a/32-bits has a buffer overflow. Any instructions can be executed on the victim host by using this buffer overflow exploit.
syslog-ng as the name shows is a syslogd replacement, but with new functionality for the new generation. The original syslogd allows messages only to be sorted based on priority/facility pair, syslog-ng adds the possibility to filter based on message contents using regular expressions. The new configuration scheme is intuitive and powerful.
Nessus is a free, open-sourced and up-to-date remote security scanner for Linux, BSD, Solaris and some other systems. It is multithreaded, plugin-based, has a nice GTK interface and currently performs over 270 remote security checks.
NDump is a collection of Perl programs to log and parse incoming packets. It is very unique in that it is one of the only loggers to log machine level information as well.
Microsoft Access database password cracker. Works on Access 97 or Access 2000.
Bug is a spy program for linux, which reads from the microphone and sends the audio back to the client in UDP packets. Will not disrupt audio playback.
DeleGate 5.9.0 remote overflow.
This paper will attempt to explain how to exploit a buffer overflow under alpha linux.
Clean, functional, and fast banner scanner.
Knark is a kernel-based rootkit for Linux 2.2. Hides files in the filesystem, strings from /proc/net for netstat, processes, and program execution redirects.
The gHost project is a very thorough set of remote security scanning scripts thrown together by various members of the group gH. This is the first alpha release.
Eyes on Exec 2.32 is a set of tools which you can use to build your own host based IDS. It watches for programs getting exec'd and logs information about it to a file. Combined with perl this can be extremely powerful. Requires linux kernel 2.2.
List Not Closed Files. Lets you not only list not closed files but also write/read etc. to it. Also inserting commands into stdin of programs (say SSH) is possible. Needs libpopt and x86/linux kernel 2.2.
Named version scanner. Due to several vulneriabilities found in BIND daemon, it's always good to know what bind versions you're running.
Unix backdoor which pretends to be a http daemon.