Combating reverse telnet using OpenBSD Packet Filter (pf) - This paper goes into detail on how to set up a firewall properly to disallow outbound traffic from reverse telnet attacks from compromised machines.
IP Telephony based networks, which might be a core part of our Telephony infrastructure in the near future, introduce caveats and security concerns which traditional telephony based networks do not have to deal with, have long forgotten about, or have learned to cope with. The security risk is usually overshadowed by the technological hype and the way IP Telephony equipment manufacturers push the technology to the masses. This paper highlights the different security risk factors with IP Telephony based networks.
acFreeProxy (aka "acfp") is an HTTP/1.x proxy for Microsoft Windows that generates error pages when unable to reach a destination host. The results of the error page do not have any input validation leaving it vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks.
The problem described on this advisory certifies BIND versions 4 and 8 do not prevent sending of two or more resolution requests for the same domain name allowing DNS Spoofing attacks with significant probability of success.
Itadem Trojan v3.0 is a small trojan controlled by a web browser. New features include bug fixes, server can be passworded, and html layout. Archive password is set to p4ssw0rd. Use at your own risk.
anwrap is a wrapper for ancontrol that serves as a dictionary attack tool against LEAP enabled Cisco Wireless Networks. It traverses a user list and password list attempting authentication and logging the results to a file.
Calisto Internet Talker Version 0.04 Remote Denial of Service exploit.