[CONVISO-18-001] - Nasdaq BWise JMX/RMI RCE 1. Advisory Information Conviso Advisory ID: CONVISO-18-001 CVE ID: CVE-2018-11247 CVSS v2: CVSS v2: 8.8,(AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:N) Date: 16/05/2018 2. Affected Components Nasdaq BWise 5.0 JMX/RMI interface 3. Description Nasdaq BWise 5.0, through its default installation, use an JMX/RMI interface (SAP BO Component) without authentication on port 81/TCP. This interface permits to load and execute classes and consequently OS command on application context. 4. Details To exploit the vulnerability a code should be capable of connecting to port 81/TCP and then establishing communication with the instance of Mbean Server, in sequence the methods of ajavax.management.loading.Mleta class could be used for deploy and execute custom code. 5. Solution - JMX/RMI authentication should be used and access to port 81/TCP should be restricted to SAP BO IP component. 6. Credits Anibal Aguiar , 7. Report Timeline 16/05/2018 - Vulnerability discovered; 17/05/2018 - Preliminary information discussed at a meeting with interested parties; 21/05/2018 - Conviso sent document with detailed description of vulnerability; 24/05/2018 - Vendor informed about temporary workaround while works on definitive solution; 03/07/2018 - Conviso was informed that a definitive solution is not available yet; 05/07/2018 - Last attempt with the vendor through LinkedIn and contact on official product page; 06/08/2018 - Conviso sent email informing disclosure date; 13/08/2018 - Vulnerability disclosure. 8. References - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Management_Extensions - https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/rmiregistry.html - https://docs.oracle.com/javadb/ 9. About Conviso Conviso is a consulting company specialized on application security. Our values are based on the allocation of the adequate competencies on the field, a clear and direct speech with the market, collaboration and partnership with our customers and business partners and constant investments on methodology and research improvement. For more information about our company and services provided, please check our website at www.conviso.com.br. 10. Copyright and Disclaimer The information in this advisory is Copyright 2018 Conviso Application Security S/A and provided so that the society can understand the risk they may be facing by running affected software, hardware or other components used on their systems. In case you wish to copy information from this advisory, you must either copy all of it or refer to this document (including our URL). No guarantee is provided for the accuracy of this information, or damage you may cause your systems in testing. [image: Logo] ANIBAL AGUIAR Security Analyst [image: Web] www.conviso.com.br [image: Email] aaguiar@conviso.com.br [image: Email] PGP Key ID: 4CE2285C [image: Web] 0800 003 0304 +55 (41)3095 - 3986 * Veja nossa agenda de cursos* *Agende um horA!rio comigo * APENAS IDENTIFICAR FALHAS NAO A SUFICIENTE! [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: LinkedIN] [image: LinkedIN]