# Exploit Title: Newgen Correspondence Management System (corms) eGov 12.0 - IDOR # Date: 29 Dec 2020 # Exploit Author: ALI AL SINAN # Vendor Homepage: https://newgensoft.com # Software Link: https://newgensoft.com/solutions/industries/government/e-gov-office/ # Version: eGov 12.0 # Tested on: JBoss EAP 7 # CVE : CVE-2020-35737 ----------------------------------------------------- Description: Correspondence management is the process of handling official incoming and outgoing correspondence in government agencies. The word “correspondence” in this context refers to physical letters, direct e-delivery, emails and faxes along with all their attachments that are received by the government agencies. ----------------------------------------------------- Vulnerability: Affected URL: http://server/corms/dist/#/web/home/workdesk/inbox Vulnerability Description: user can manipulate parameter “UserIndex” in personal setting page. this parameter can allow un-authorized access to view or change other user's personal information.