Yet another cgiemail and others bug. Not much to report, so we'll keep it concise. cgiemail: Discussion: It's on open relaying bug. This vulnerability affects cgiemail and a lot of other web/mail applications, we are concentrating on cgiemail because it is considered safe. The same kind of exploit can be performed on many similar apps using the blessed "sendmail -t" to send the mail and avoid the bad attacker getting a shell. Details: The problem is very few developers filter the new line code "%0a". When posting data to the web/mail application, the remote user can take one of the predefined variables and add "%0a" followed by additional fields decoded by sendmail. For example CC: or Bcc: and so on. The result is that the mail is going to a lot of other addresses. Example: POST /cgi-bin/cgiemail? comments=spam%20message Simple, clear enough. ------------------ Vulnerability Reporting Detack GmbH IT Security Audits Alfred-Herrhausen-Str. 44 D - 58455 Witten Phone +49 (0) 2302 / 915 - 291 Fax +49 (0) 2302 / 915 - 295 Email: WWW: