What is Hotfoon? Hotfoon is a new type of Internet telephony that is very inexpensive, easy to setup and use. Hotfoon's current service enables you to: Make long distance calls at near local rates. Talk to other Hotfoon users for free. Ver:4.0 APP web site :http://www.hotfoon.com/ ========================================================================== vuln the attacker can exploit chat with user by send a link to random user and hoyfoon directly open the link in IE or the web broser whithout alert user. ========================================================================== exploit 1)open hotfoon program 2)select chat to random user 3)in chat window ,send the URL that contains bad code such as ( XSS,IE exploit,or EXE file with webdownloader ..etc ) 4)the web broser or IE (tested in IE) will directly open the link without alert user. ========================================================================== Saudi Linux