Belated, but here are some recent bugs that you guys might find interesting: 1) DOM reference fuzzer, originally developed in 2008, crashed every browser on the market back then: Several of the bugs triggered by the fuzzer were rediscovered independently in the two years it took vendors to investigate; most notably, looks like the winning Pwn2own bug is a duplicate of this. The release of Microsoft MS10-035 and Apple APPLE-SA-2010-06-21-1 probably fixes the last of the known exploitable issues triggered by this tool. Probably not a great argument in favor of limited disclosure. 2) Safari SOP bypass (CVE-2010-0544) - the story is amusing by the virtue of spanning more than one decade: 3) Address bar spoofing in Firefox (CVE-2010-1206): 4) Some more fun with selective mid-keystroke focus redirection in WebKit-based browsers (CVE-2010-1422): [ Original post on this topic: ] _______________________________________________ Full-Disclosure - We believe in it. Charter: Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -