With Windows 2000 Microsoft introduced the inheritance of access rights and new Win32-API functions like SetNamedSecurityInfo() which handle the inheritance. SetNamedSecurityInfo() but has a serious bug: it applies inheritable ACEs from a PARENT object to a target object even if it must not do so, indicated by the flags SE_DACL_PROTECTED and/or SE_SACL_PROTECTED in the security descriptor of the target object.
Hi @ll,
(this is the prequel to <https://seclists.org/bugtraq/2012/May/75>
alias <https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2012/May/109>)
With Windows 2000 Microsoft introduced the inheritance of access
rights and new Win32-API functions like SetNamedSecurityInfo()
which handle the inheritance.
SetNamedSecurityInfo() but has a serious bug: it applies inheritable
ACEs from a PARENT object to a target object even if it must not do so,
indicated by the flags SE_DACL_PROTECTED and/or SE_SACL_PROTECTED in
the security descriptor of the target object.
This erroneous behaviour can result in lesser protection of any target
object whose security descriptor is changed with SetNamedSecurityInfo().
>From the official documentation:
| When you call the SetNamedSecurityInfo and SetSecurityInfo functions
| to set the security information of an object, the system imposes the
| current inheritance model on the ACLs of all objects in the hierarchy
| below the target object.
| Remarks
| If you are setting the discretionary access control list (DACL) or
| system access control list (SACL) of an object, the system
| automatically propagates any inheritable access control entries (ACEs)
| to existing child objects, according to the rules of inheritance.
| These rules have been enhanced with the following features:
| The ability to prevent a DACL or SACL from inheriting ACEs by setting
| the SE_DACL_PROTECTED or SE_SACL_PROTECTED bits in the security
| descriptor's control bits.
| SE_DACL_PROTECTED Windows 2000 and later: The security descriptor's
| DACL cannot be modified by inheritable ACEs.
| If this flag is not set, the security descriptor
| inherits information from the security descriptor
| of the parent object.
| SE_SACL_PROTECTED Windows 2000 and later: The security descriptor's
| SACL cannot be modified by inheritable ACEs.
| ... sets the security descriptor control flag SE_DACL_PROTECTED, which
| protects a child object's DACL by blocking inheritance from the parent
| object's DACL.
| 0x1000 Prevents the DACL of the security descriptor from
| being modified by inheritable ACEs. To set this
| flag, use the SetSecurityDescriptorControl function.
| 0x2000 Prevents the SACL of the security descriptor from
| being modified by inheritable ACEs. To set this
| flag, use the SetSecurityDescriptorControl function.
To demonstrate the error call the example code from <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa379283.aspx>
as follows:
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
int _tmain()
return AddAceToObjectsSecurityDescriptor (
TEXT("%ALLUSERSPROFIL%"), // specify your path here!
In all current versions of Windows the directory "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%"
has SE_DACL_PROTECTED flag set in its security descriptor... before
the call. Afterwards, SE_DACL-PROTECTED is gone, and "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%"
got additional inherited access rights.
Stefan Kanthak