BanCh version 1.0 checks hosts for selected banners. Available services are FTP, SMTP, and HTTP. Provides anonymous FTP login checking, CGI scanning, e-mail address extraction from web pages, and other features.
# BanCh v1.0 - check hosts for selected banners (available #
# services is FTP, SMTP, HTTP). Provide multiline banner #
# grabbing mode. Can help you with searching vulnerable systems #
# Work quite fast, because of using non-block sockets. #
# Written on PERL, and need only few standart PERL modules, so #
# it must work on most servers. Have such features like: #
# anonymous FTP logon checking, CGI scanning, email extracting #
# (from html pages), etc. #
# OS supported: Linux, may be unix clones, Windows is not. #
# Was checked using perl v5.8.0 and v5.6.0 #
# #
# Copyright (c) 22/09/2004 LynX #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #
# as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# #
# For good purposes only :) #
# #
# Thanks: #
# ------- #
# nob0dy, Xarth, netc0de and all who know me #
# #
# Greets: #
# ------- #
# ROOT T34M [] #
# #
# P.S. Also sorry for my poor english. #
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #
# Written by: LynX #
# <> #
# / close your eyes & dream with me / #
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #
# #
#! /usr/bin/perl
# global elements
## you can hide options, which can be see by 'ps -x' ##
#@ARGV = qw{ -http Server.* -http Date.* -ip} ;
## ftp anon ##
$Login = 'anonymous' ;
$Password = 'alice@wonder.ld' ;
## common service ports ##
$Ftp_port = 21 ;
$Smtp_port = 25 ;
$Http_port = 80 ;
## stuff, dont chng
$Separator = "-------------------------------------------------" ;
$Output_file = "BanCh.log" ;
@Host_Addrs = () ;
@Http_cmds = () ;
$Http_cmd = 0 ;
@Ftp_cmds = () ;
$Ftp_cmd = 0 ;
@Smtp_cmds = () ;
$Smtp_cmd = 0 ;
%Sockets ;
%Args = () ;
@Time = () ;
# check for "Socket" module
eval "require Socket" or
die("$0: error: need \"Socket\" module, you can download it ".
"from [].\n") ;
use Socket ;
# check for "Fcntl" module
eval "require Fcntl" or
die("$0: error: need \"Fcntl\" module, you can download it ".
"from [].\n") ;
use Fcntl ;
# trap for some signals ;)
$SIG{KILL} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{HUP} = \&atexit ;
# procedures & functions
# sub error
# sub atexit
# sub usage
# sub getopts
# sub get_hosts
# sub read_file
# sub nonblock_sockets
# sub exam
# sub pattern_extract
# sub exam_ftp
# sub exam_smtp
# sub exam_http
sub error
# Print error mesg && die.
my ($txt) = @_ ;
print "$0: error: $txt\n" ;
exit 1 ;
} # sub error
sub atexit
# Make some actions before programm is go to shutdown
print "\n" ;
# this realization of timer is bad :)
$min = 0 ;
$hour = 0 ;
$sec = 0 ;
$sec = $Time[2] * 3600 + $Time[1] * 60 + $Time[0] ;
(@buf) = (localtime(time))[0,1,2];
$sec = ($buf[2] * 3600 + $buf[1] * 60 + $buf[0]) - $sec ;
while ($sec > 0)
$sec -= 60 ;
if ($sec >= 0) { $min++ ; }
if ($min >= 60)
$min = 0 ;
if ($hour++ >= 60)
$hour = 0 ;
if ($sec < 0) { $sec += 60 ; }
print "Total time: $hour \bh $min \bm $sec \bs\n" ;
close($OUTPUT) ;
exit 0 ;
} # sub atexit
sub usage
# usage() -- show info about options etc.
print q
BanCh - check hosts for selected banners. Can help you with
searching vulnerable systems.
} ;
print "\n\bUsage: $0 options\n" ;
print q
-ftp [banner1] [-ftp [bannerN]] -- show hosts, which has one of
this FTP banners, banners can be specified by using PERL
patterns, which must be concluded in '' (ex. ".?*" and others).
You also can use just "-ftp" option (without
[banner1,...,bannerN]), in this case all banners, will be showed.
-anon -- check if FTP anonymous login is allow (multiline
grabbing mode will be automatically on).
-ftp_f <file_name> -- sets file with banners list (one line -
one banner), PERL patterns are allowed (dont use ''). This
option substitutes option "-ftp".
-ftp_cmd_f <file_name> -- sets file with list of FTP commands
(one line - one command), which will be executed, after
successfully logining (option "-anon" must be setted, if you
want to use special account insted of anonymous, you must edit
sources of the programm).
-smtp [banner1] [-smtp [bannerN]] -- show hosts, which has one
of this SMTP banners, banners can be specified by using PERL
patterns, which must be concluded in '' (ex. ".?*" and others).
You also can use just "-smtp" option (without
[banner1,...,bannerN]), in this case all banners, will be showed.
-smtp_f <file_name> -- sets file with banners list (one line -
one banner), PERL patterns are allowed (dont use ''). This
option substitutes option "-smtp".
-smtp_cmd_f <file_name> -- sets file with list of SMTP commands
(one line - one command), which will be executed, after
successful connecting.
-http [banner1] [-http [bannerN]] -- show hosts, which has one
of this HTTP banners, banners can be specified by using PERL
patterns, which must be concluded in '' (ex. ".?*" and others).
You also can use just "-http" option (without
[banner1,...,bannerN]), in this case all banners, will be showed.
-http_f <file_name> -- sets file with banners list (one line -
one banner), PERL patterns are allowed (dont use ''). This
option substitutes option "-http".
-http_cmd_f <file_name> -- sets file with list of HTTP commands
(one line - one command), which will be executed, after
successful connecting.
-c <number> -- amout of non-block sockets (default 5).
-m -- turn multiline banner grabbing mode.
-ts <seconds> -- how long we will be working with every socket
(default 10 sec).
-tc <seconds> -- specify timeout of connections (default 10 sec).
-o [file] -- sets output file (default "BanCh.log").
-i <file_name> -- sets file with hosts list (one line - one
host), file also can contain comments (text which going after
"#"). You also can use this option with "-ip".
-ip <ip_address1,...,ip_addressN> -- select ip addresses,
which will be checked for selected banners. You also can
specify ip addresses range [ip_address1-ip_address2]; type
domain names instead of ip addresses (* this version does not
support domain names with "-" symbol *).
[LynX BanCh]$ perl -http 'Server:.*' -http 'Date.*' \
> -ftp -anon -m -ip
[ BanCh started ]
220 ProFTPD 1.2.2rc1 Server (ProFTPD Default Installationnsfgdsfnsdfgn) [localhost.localdomain]
Server: Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.19 (Linux-Mandrake/3mdk)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 10:01:25 GMT
Total time: 0h 0m 0s
[LynX BanCh]$
To extract domain names, from html:
[LynX BanCh]$ perl -http 'www\.\w+\.\w+' \
>-http_cmd "GET /search ?q=someone&hl=uk&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start
>=10&sa=N HTTP/1.0" -ip
[ BanCh started ]
Total time: 0h 0m 5s
[LynX BanCh]$
To make CGI scanning, you must write, all "GET" commands in file
(it is not difficult using such utils like "awk", "sed")
[LynX BanCh]$ cat cmds
GET /cgi-bin/test.cgi HTTP/1.0
GET /cgi-bin/web_store.cgi HTTP/1.0
GET /search HTTP/1.0
[LynX BanCh]$ perl -http '200 OK' -http_cmd_f \
> cmds -ip
[ BanCh v1.0 started ]
[##] GET /search HTTP/1.0
200 OK
Total time: 0h 0m 4s
[LynX BanCh]$
} ; # print q{...}
exit(0) ;
} # sub usage
sub getopts
# Return %args, in which every option have its own argument.
my ($options, @arg) = @_ ;
my $count = 0 ;
my $multi = 1 ;
@options = split(/ /, $options) ;
# extract all arguments
while ($arg = @arg[$count])
chomp $arg ;
foreach $option(@options)
if ($option eq "|") { $multi = 0 ; }
if ("$arg" eq "$option")
$buff = substr(@arg[++$count], 0, 1) ;
($Args{$option} = "") if ($buff eq "-") ;
if ($multi)
($Args{$option} .= @arg[$count]."\n") if ($buff ne "-") ;
($Args{$option} = @arg[$count]) if ($buff ne "-") ;
goto cont ;
} # if ($arg eq $option)
} # foreach $option(@options)
$multi = 1 ;
$count++ ;
cont: ;
} # while ($arg = @arg[$count])
} # sub getopts
sub get_hosts
# @Host_Addrs = get_hosts(HOSTS) -- check format of typed ip
# addresses in HOSTS and add them in array of hosts
# which will be returned.
my ($from_file) = @_ ;
my $hosts_file = $Args{"-i"} ;
my @tmp_addrs = () ;
my $max = 254 ;
# get hosts
if ($from_file)
@Host_Addrs = read_file($Args{"-i"}, 0) ;
push(@Host_Addrs, split(/,/, $Args{"-ip"})) ;
# and check hosts format(',','-' etc.)
foreach $host_addr(@Host_Addrs)
# if its a simple ip address
if ($host_addr =~m/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)
# if its a range of ip addresses
if ($host_addr =~m/\-/)
# get start ip
@start = split(/\./, substr($host_addr, 0,
index($host_addr,'-'))) ;
# get end ip
@end = split(/\./, substr($host_addr,
index($host_addr,'-') + 1, length($host_addr))) ;
# and get all ip from this range :) "Praid for us" :))
for (;@start[0] < @end[0] ; @start[0]++, @start[1] = 0)
for (;@start[1] < $max ; @start[1]++, @start[2] = 0)
for (;@start[2] < $max ; @start[2]++, @start[3] = 1)
for (;@start[3] < $max ; @start[3]++)
push(@tmp_addrs, join('.', @start)) ;
} # for (;@start[3] < $max ; @start[3]++)
} # for (;@start[2] < $max ; @start[2]++, @start[3] = 1)
} # for (;@start[1] < $max ; @start[1]++, @start[2] = 0)
} # for (;@start[0] < @end[0] ; @start[0]++, @start[1] = 0)
for (;@start[1] < @end[1] ; @start[1]++, @start[2] = 0)
for (;@start[2] < $max ; @start[2]++, @start[3] = 1)
for (;@start[3] < $max ; @start[3]++)
push(@tmp_addrs, join('.', @start)) ;
} # for (;@start[3] < $max ; @start[3]++)
} # for (;@start[2] < $max ; @start[2]++, @start[3] = 1)
} # for (;@start[1] < @end[1] ; @start[1]++, @start[2] = 0)
for (;@start[2] < @end[2] ; @start[2]++, @start[3] = 1)
for (;@start[3] < $max ; @start[3]++)
push(@tmp_addrs, join('.', @start)) ;
} # for (;@start[3] < $max ; @start[3]++)
} # for (;@start[2] < @end[2] ; @start[2]++, @start[3] = 1)
for (;@start[3] <= @end[3] ; @start[3]++)
push(@tmp_addrs, join('.', @start)) ;
} # for (;@start[3] <= @end[3] ; @start[3]++)
} # if ($host_addr =~m/\-/)
push(@tmp_addrs, $host_addr) ;
} # else if ($host_addr =~m/\-/)
} # if ($host_addr =~m/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)
push(@tmp_addrs, $host_addr) ;
} # foreach $host_addr(@Host_Addrs)
@Host_Addrs = @tmp_addrs ;
} # sub get_hosts
sub read_file
# Read data from file, and return it
my ($file, $newline) = @_ ;
my (@data) = () ;
if (not -f $file) { error("File \"$file\" does not exist") ; }
open(FILE, "$file") or
error("Cant open file \"$file\": $!") ;
while (<FILE>)
if (m/^#/) { next ; }
if (!$newline) { chomp ; }
push(@data, $_) ;
close(FILE) ;
return(@data) ;
} # sub read_file
sub nonblock_sockets
# Create $socks_num sockets, setted to NONBLOCK mode,
# and write them in %Sockets (host->socket)
my ($num_of_host, $port, $num_of_con) = @_ ;
my $sockets_num = $Args{"-c"} ;
my $i = 0 ;
my $rin = '' ;
my $win = '' ;
%Sockets = () ;
# creating array of NON-BLOCK sockets
for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $sockets_num &&
$$num_of_host < @Host_Addrs ; $ii++)
if ($$num_of_con < 0)
$socket = \$Sockets{$Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]} ;
$socket = \$Sockets{$Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]}[$i] ;
if (!socket($$socket, PF_INET,
SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")))
print $OUTPUT "[##] $Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]:$port: Cant ".
"create the socket: $!\n$Separator\n\n" ;
print "$Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]:$port ... done\n"
if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
$ii-- ;
delete($Sockets{$Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]}) ;
$$num_of_host += 1 ;
next ;
$iaddr = inet_aton($Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]) ;
if (!$iaddr)
print $OUTPUT "[##] $Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]:$port: Cant ".
"resolv host: $!\n$Separator\n\n" ;
print "$Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]:$port ... done\n"
if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
$ii-- ;
delete($Sockets{$Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]}) ;
$$num_of_host += 1 ;
close($$socket) ;
next ;
$saddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr) ;
if (!fcntl($$socket, F_SETFL,
print $OUTPUT "[##] $Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]:$port: Cant set".
"socket on NONBLOCK mode: $!\n$Separator\n\n" ;
print "$Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]:$port ... done\n"
if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
$ii-- ;
delete($Sockets{$Host_Addrs[$$num_of_host]}) ;
$$num_of_host += 1 ;
close($$socket) ;
next ;
connect($$socket, $saddr) ;
vec($win, fileno($$socket), 1) = 1 ;
vec($rin, fileno($$socket), 1) = 1 ;
if ($$num_of_con < 0) { $$num_of_host++ ; }
$i++ ;
if (not --$$num_of_con)
$$num_of_host++ ;
$$num_of_con = @Http_cmds ;
$Http_cmd = 0 ;
last ;
} # for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $sockets_num && ...)
return($rin, $win) ;
} # sub nonblock_sockets
sub exam
# Exam sockets which ready to RW
my ($rin, $win, $port, $func, $num_of_con) = @_ ;
my $timeout_connect = $Args{"-tc"} ;
my $ii = ($num_of_con < 0)?keys(%Sockets):
@{$Sockets{(keys(%Sockets))[0]}} ;
my $i = 0 ;
while ($nfound = select($rout = $$rin, $wout = $$win, undef,
$timeout_connect) >= 0)
if ($nfound == 0) { next ; }
$ii -= $nfound ;
foreach $host(keys %Sockets)
@sockets = ();
if ($num_of_con < 0) { push(@sockets, $Sockets{$host}) ; }
else { push(@sockets, @{$Sockets{$host}}) ; }
foreach $socket(@sockets)
if (not $nfound) { last ; }
if (vec($rout,fileno($socket),1) || vec($wout,fileno($socket),1))
if (!getpeername($socket))
print $OUTPUT "[##] $host:$port: Cant create connection\n".
"$Separator\n\n" ;
print "$host:$port ... done\n" if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
&$func($host, $socket) ;
if ($num_of_con < 0) { delete($Sockets{$host}) ; }
if (++$i >= @{$Sockets{$host}})
delete($Sockets{$host}) ;
vec($$rin,fileno($socket),1) = 0 ;
vec($rout,fileno($socket),1) = 0 ;
vec($$win,fileno($socket),1) = 0 ;
vec($wout,fileno($socket),1) = 0 ;
close($socket) ;
$nfound-- ;
} # if (vec($rout,fileno($socket),1))
} # foreach $socket(@sockets)
} # foreach $host(keys %Sockets)
if (not $ii) { last ; }
} # while ($nfound = select(...) >= 0)
while (($host) = each %Sockets)
@sockets = ();
if ($num_of_con < 0) { push(@sockets, $Sockets{$host}) ; }
else { push(@sockets, @{$Sockets{$host}}) ; }
foreach $socket(@sockets)
print $OUTPUT "[##] $host:$port: Connection timeout\n".
"$Separator\n\n" ;
print "$host:$port ... done\n" if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
close($socket) ;
delete($Sockets{$host}) ;
return ;
} # sub exam
sub pattern_extract
# Extracts patterns from readed text
my ($host, $port, $msg, $lines, $patterns) = @_ ;
if (not @$patterns)
print $OUTPUT "[##] $host:$port$msg\n$Separator\n$$lines\n\n" ;
print "$host:$port ... done\n" if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
$y = 0 ;
foreach $pattern(@$patterns)
(@banner_lines) = split(/\n/, $$lines) ;
foreach $line(@banner_lines)
(@founded) = ($line =~ m/$pattern/g) ;
if (@founded ne 0)
if ($y == 0)
print $OUTPUT "[##] $host:$port$msg\n$Separator\n" ;
$y++ ;
print $OUTPUT "@founded\n" ;
if ($y) { print $OUTPUT "\n" ; }
print "$host:$port ... done\n" if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
return ;
} # sub pattern_extract
sub exam_ftp
# Make ftp examination: get banners, check if anonymous login
# avalible.
my ($host, $sock) = @_ ;
my $anon_login = 1 if exists($Args{"-anon"}) ;
my $timeout_sock = $Args{"-ts"} ;
my $multiline = 1 if exists($Args{"-m"}) ;
my $anon ;
if (exists($Args{"-ftp_f"}))
if ($Args{"-ftp_f"} ne "")
@patterns = read_file($Args{"-ftp_f"}, 1) ;
@patterns = split(/\n/, $Args{"-ftp"}) ;
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "time to die\n" } ;
alarm($timeout_sock) ;
fcntl($sock, F_SETFL, 0) ;
$banner = <$sock> ;
if ($multiline || $anon_login)
if ($banner =~ /^\d*-/)
$_ = <$sock> ;
while (not /^\d+\s/)
$_ = <$sock> ;
$banner .= $_ ;
if ($anon_login)
send($sock, "USER $Login\n", 0) ;
<$sock> ;
send($sock, "PASS $Password\n", 0) ;
$_ = <$sock> ;
$anon = ": anonymous ok o.b. ;)" if $_ =~ m/230/ ;
if (@Ftp_cmds)
foreach $cmd(@Ftp_cmds)
send($sock, $cmd, 0) ;
$_ = <$sock> ;
if ($banner =~ /^\d*-/)
$banner .= $_ ;
$_ = <$sock> ;
while (not /^\d+\s/)
$_ = <$sock> ;
$banner .= $_ ;
$banner .= $_ ;
chomp($banner) ;
alarm(0) ;
} ; # eval
if ($@)
die unless $@ eq "time to die\n" ;
if ($banner eq "")
print $OUTPUT "[##] $host:$Ftp_port: Stopped, time is out\n".
"$Separator\n\n" ;
print "$host:$Ftp_port ... done\n" if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
return ;
pattern_extract($host, $Ftp_port, $anon,
\$banner, \@patterns) ;
return ;
} # sub exam_ftp
sub exam_smtp
# Make smtp examination.
my ($host, $sock) = @_ ;
my $multiline = 1 if exists($Args{"-m"}) ;
my $timeout_sock = $Args{"-ts"} ;
if (exists($Args{"-smtp_f"}))
if ($Args{"-smtp_f"} ne "")
@patterns = read_file($Args{"-smtp_f"}, 1) ;
@patterns = split(/\n/, $Args{"-smtp"}) ;
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "time to die\n" } ;
alarm($timeout_sock) ;
fcntl($sock, F_SETFL, 0) ;
$banner = <$sock> ;
if ($multiline)
if ($banner =~ /^\d*-/)
$_ = <$sock> ;
while (not /^\d+\s/)
$_ = <$sock> ;
$banner .= $_ ;
if (@Smtp_cmds)
foreach $cmd(@Smtp_cmds)
send($sock, $cmd, 0) ;
$_ = <$sock> ;
if ($banner =~ /^\d*-/)
$banner .= $_ ;
$_ = <$sock> ;
while (not /^\d+\s/)
$_ = <$sock> ;
$banner .= $_ ;
$banner .= $_ ;
chomp($banner) ;
alarm(0) ;
} ; # eval
if ($@)
die unless $@ eq "time to die\n" ;
if ($banner eq "")
print $OUTPUT "[##] $host:$Smtp_port: Stopped, time is out\n".
"$Separator\n\n" ;
print "$host:$Smtp_port ... done\n" if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
return ;
pattern_extract($host, $Smtp_port, "", \$banner, \@patterns) ;
return ;
} # sub exam_smtp
sub exam_http
# Make http examination, get banners etc.
my ($host, $sock) = @_ ;
my $cmd = ($Args{"-http_cmd"} eq "")?"GET / HTTP/1.0":
$Args{"-http_cmd"} ;
my $timeout_sock = $Args{"-ts"} ;
my $end_query = "\015\012\015\012" ;
if (exists($Args{"-http_cmd_f"}))
$cmd = $Http_cmds[$Http_cmd++] ;
if (exists($Args{"-http_f"}))
if ($Args{"-http_f"} ne "")
@patterns = read_file($Args{"-http_f"}, 1) ;
@patterns = split(/\n/, $Args{"-http"}) ;
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "time to die\n" } ;
alarm($timeout_sock) ;
fcntl($sock, F_SETFL, 0) ;
send($sock, "$cmd$end_query", 0) ;
$banner = '' ;
while (<$sock>)
$banner .= "$_" ;
alarm(0) ;
} ; # eval
if ($@)
die unless $@ eq "time to die\n" ;
if ($banner eq "")
print $OUTPUT "[##] $host:$Http_port: Stopped, time is out\n".
"$Separator\n\n" ;
print "$host:$Http_port ... done\n" if ($OUTPUT ne STDOUT) ;
return ;
pattern_extract($host, $Http_port, ": $cmd", \$banner, \@patterns) ;
return ;
} # sub exam_http
# Main function
# check arguments
if (@ARGV < 1) { &usage() ; }
@Time = (localtime(time))[0,1,2];
print "\n\033[32m[ BanCh v1.0 started ]\033[0m\n\n\n" ;
# get %args (option => argument)
getopts("-ftp -smtp -http | -ftp_f -anon -smtp_f -m -tc -ts ".
"-http_cmd -smtp_cmd_f -ftp_cmd_f -http_cmd_f -c -ip".
" -i -o -http_f", @ARGV) ;
# set default values
if (($Args{"-c"} eq "") or not(exists $Args{"-c"}))
$Args{"-c"} = 5 ;
if (($Args{"-tc"} eq "") or not(exists $Args{"-tc"}))
$Args{"-tc"} = 10 ;
if (($Args{"-ts"} eq "") or not(exists $Args{"-ts"}))
$Args{"-ts"} = 10 ;
# get host addresses
if (not(exists $Args{"-i"}) && not(exists $Args{"-ip"}))
error("You must specify host addresses") ;
if ($Args{"-i"} ne "")
error("Input file does not exist")
if not(-f $Args{"-i"}) ;
get_hosts(1) ;
elsif (exists $Args{"-i"} && ($Args{"-i"} eq ""))
error("Specify file name with host addresses") ;
if ($Args{"-ip"} ne "")
get_hosts(0) ;
# random generate in the next version %)
# output file mode
if (exists($Args{"-o"}) && $Args{"-o"} eq "")
$Args{"-o"} = $Output_file ;
if ($Args{"-o"} ne "")
$OUTPUT = 0 ;
open($OUTPUT, '>'.$Args{"-o"}) or
warn("$0: warning: Cant create output file ".$Args{"-o"}.": ".
"$!: All info will go to STDOUT\n\n"), $OUTPUT = STDOUT ;
## start to show checked banners ##
if (exists($Args{"-ftp"}) || exists($Args{"-ftp_f"}))
if (exists($Args{"-ftp_cmd_f"}) && $Args{"-ftp_cmd_f"} ne "")
@Ftp_cmds = read_file($Args{"-ftp_cmd_f"}, 1) ;
for ($num_of_host = 0 ; $num_of_host < @Host_Addrs ;)
($rin, $win) = nonblock_sockets(\$num_of_host, $Ftp_port, \-1) ;
if (keys %Sockets == 0) { next ; }
exam(\$rin, \$win, $Ftp_port, \&exam_ftp, -1) ;
if (exists($Args{"-smtp"}) || exists($Args{"-smtp_f"}))
if (exists($Args{"-smtp_cmd_f"}) && $Args{"-smtp_cmd_f"} ne "")
@Smtp_cmds = read_file($Args{"-smtp_cmd_f"}, 1) ;
for ($num_of_host = 0 ; $num_of_host < @Host_Addrs ;)
($rin, $win) = nonblock_sockets(\$num_of_host, $Smtp_port,
\-1) ;
if (keys %Sockets == 0) { next ; }
exam(\$rin, \$win, $Smtp_port, \&exam_smtp, -1) ;
if (exists($Args{"-http"}) || exists($Args{"-http_f"}))
if (exists($Args{"-http_cmd_f"}) && $Args{"-http_cmd_f"} ne "")
@Http_cmds = read_file($Args{"-http_cmd_f"}, 1) ;
$connects = (@Http_cmds)?@Http_cmds:-1 ;
for ($num_of_host = 0 ; $num_of_host < @Host_Addrs ;)
($rin, $win) = nonblock_sockets(\$num_of_host, $Http_port,
\$connects) ;
if (keys %Sockets == 0) { next ; }
exam(\$rin, \$win, $Http_port, \&exam_http, $connects) ;
atexit() ;
exit(0) ;
} # main function
# LynX <>
# *EOF*