This Metasploit module attempts to authenticate to Joomla 2.5. or 3.0 through bruteforce attacks.
This Metasploit module will test FTP logins on a range of machines and report successful logins. If you have loaded a database plugin and connected to a database this module will record successful logins and hosts so you can track your access.
This Metasploit module will test a range of Brocade network devices for a privileged logins and report successes. The device authentication mode must be set as aaa authentication enable default local. Telnet authentication, e.g. enable telnet authentication, should not be enabled in the device configuration. This Metasploit module has been tested against the following devices: ICX6450-24 SWver 07.4.00bT311, FastIron WS 624 SWver 07.2.02fT7e1.
This Metasploit module attempts to authenticate to the VMWare HTTP service for VmWare Server, ESX, and ESXI.
This Metasploit module attempts to authenticate against an Oracle RDBMS instance using username and password combinations indicated by the USER_FILE, PASS_FILE, and USERPASS_FILE options. Due to a bug in nmap versions 6.50-7.80 may not work.
This Metasploit module attempts to login to the Varnish Cache (varnishd) CLI instance using a bruteforce list of passwords. This Metasploit module will also attempt to read the /etc/shadow root password hash if a valid password is found. It is possible to execute code as root with a valid password, however this is not yet implemented in this module.
This Metasploit module utilizes a stager to upload a base64 encoded binary which is then decoded, chmod'ed and executed from the command shell.